Sport and Recreation

Sport and Recreation is a key component of the Australian way of life and the backbone of many communities. Local sporting and recreation clubs are predominantly managed and administered by volunteers, while being supported by local and state government and in most instances their state and national peak body.

The way sport and recreation is provided and managed today, is vastly different from years gone by when clubs operated independently and in many instances without statutory or legal requirements. Clubs today need to be professionally managed and operated like any business meaning they need to be accountable, professional, sustainable, and deliver quality services to a time poor community with more leisure choices than ever.

One Eighty appreciates the pressures facing community sport and recreation, and understands the need for clubs to be strategic in the way they manage and deliver their services to their communities. 

We have assisted local through to national organisations in their day to day management and development of their sports and activities, as well as many local authorities that support local clubs in the services they provide to their communities.  Examples of our services include:

Strategic Planning

Business Planning

Sport Development

Facility Planning and Development

Facility Audits and Planning

Facility Design and Management

Funding and Grant Opportunities

Operational Reviews

Performance Reviews


Government at all levels plays has a primary role to enhance the wellbeing of its residents, constituents, and communities. Sport, recreation and leisure is a key component of this, and delivers on many aims and objectives of government including social, physical, environmental and economic outcomes.  Our services to assist government include:

Recreation and Leisure Policies

Community Needs Analysis

Feasibility Studies

Master Planning

Research and Consultation

Policy and Planning

Sport and Recreation Organisation Support

Procurement of Services and Facilities

Economic Impact Assessments

Performance Management and Review

Private and Commercial Sector

The private sport and leisure sector is a major contributor to the economy spending billions of dollars annually on leisure time activity and development.  From cafes, restaurants, bars, cinemas, major events, health and fitness clubs and holiday resorts, the private leisure sector is serious business.  One Eighty has worked with the private sport and leisure sector and has and can assist with:

Feasibility Studies

Tourism Planning

Business Planning

Market Analysis

Carrying Capacities

Customer Service Surveys

Mystery Visitor Evaluations

Performance Management and Reviews


Developers play a role in creating sustainable, vibrant communities. One Eighty assists small to large scale developments from Greenfield to retrofitting existing urban and infill areas.  Services offered to developers include:

Strategic Open Space Planning

Facility Planning and Needs Analysis

aFunding and Partnership Opportunities

Community Development Initiatives.